Karpeak's Amazing Love Letter (Amanda)

Tispe / Female 18.04.2017
Født / Born: 18.04.2017
Farge / Sabel & White; (ay /at) Genetically sable, carries tan points
Størrelse / Body size:
Høyde / Hight: 27,0 cm
Vekt / Weight: 4500 g
Patella: 0/0
Cone-Rod Dystrophy, (cord1-PRA / crd4) Clear
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, (PAP1_PRA) Clear
Von Willebrand's Disease (vWD) Type 1 Clear
Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (NAD): Clear
Osteochondrodysplasia: Carrier
Testet for 200 sykdommer gjennom MyDogDNA
Tested for 200 disorders through MyDogDNA
Utstilling / Dog Show: 2 x Cert/CAC Norway
Aktiv og super sosial overfor mennesker og andre hunder
Activ and super social to people and other dogs
Kull / Litter: 1
C-kull/litter 2020
Født / Born: 18.04.2017
Farge / Sabel & White; (ay /at) Genetically sable, carries tan points
Størrelse / Body size:
Høyde / Hight: 27,0 cm
Vekt / Weight: 4500 g
Patella: 0/0
Cone-Rod Dystrophy, (cord1-PRA / crd4) Clear
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, (PAP1_PRA) Clear
Von Willebrand's Disease (vWD) Type 1 Clear
Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (NAD): Clear
Osteochondrodysplasia: Carrier
Testet for 200 sykdommer gjennom MyDogDNA
Tested for 200 disorders through MyDogDNA
Utstilling / Dog Show: 2 x Cert/CAC Norway
Aktiv og super sosial overfor mennesker og andre hunder
Activ and super social to people and other dogs
Kull / Litter: 1
C-kull/litter 2020
Amanda elsker absolutt alle mennesker, og er alltid klar for lek og moro med folk og andre hunder.
Amanda loves absolutely everybody, and she is always ready for fun and to play with people and other dogs.