
NUCH Sofaulven Bianca Septembro

Tispe / Female 05.09.2018

Farge / Color: Sable / Fawn; (ay /at) Genetically sable, but carries tan points (tricolor)

Størrelse / Body size:
Høyde / Hight: 25,0 cm
Vekt / Weight: 3400 g

Patella: 0/0

Eyes: Clear
Cone-Rod Dystrophy, (cord1-PRA / crd4) Clear
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, (PAP1_PRA) Clear

Von Willebrand's Disease (vWD) Type 1 Clear

Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (NAD): Clear

Testet for 200 sykdommer gjennom MyDogDNA: Fri (ikke bærer) på alle!!
Tested for 200 disorders through MyDogDNA: Clear (not carrier) on everyone!!

Utstilling / Dog Show: NUCH / Norwegian Champion

Søt og vennlig overfor mennesker og andre hunder
Sweet and friendly to people and other dogs

Kull / Litter: 1
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Bianca er fra vårt andre kull med Papillon, og er født her i kennelen.

Hun ble Norsk Utstillings Champion 2 år gammel. Hun er ei smart frøken, har et vennlig temperament, og er glad i folk og fart.
Bianca is from our second litter with Papillon, and was born here in the kennel.

She became Norwegian Show Champion 2 years old. She is a smart miss, with a friendly temperament, and loves people and speed.
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